Schlüter & Maack caters to a variety of different end use customers. Each customer has specific requirements and as such we contract both Pennant and Andante type Yellow Mustards. Should you not know your variety, that is no issue as well, we have markets for Common Type Yellow Mustard as well.
Due to Schlüter & Maack’s global reach and marketing experience, all grades can generally be handled. We understand that sometimes weather doesn’t cooperate when growing Mustard but at Schlüter & Maack we value the long term commitment of all mustard growers, so even if your product doesn’t grade a #1, we will work with you to try and market all off grades to ensure maximum profitability for our farmer partners

Schlüter & Maack is a large player in the export of Brown Mustard Seed from Canada. We offer many different variations of contracts and will custom design a deferred delivery contract to fit your farms cash flow needs. As we are a yearlong shipper of Brown Mustard and not seasonal like some others, we can offer consistent movement and cash flow options for your farming operation.

Our company ships to many different destinations and customers who require Oriental Mustard. Oriental is consumed either as the Cutlass variety or the Forge variety. Schlüter & Mack run grower programs for both and are a consistent buyer of these two types of Mustard throughout the year. Again given the market we can generally handle most grades of either variety to provide our growers an outlet for their mustard.